FSC Indigenous Foundation


Yeshing Juliana Upún Yos

Indigenous, Diversity Inclusion and Equality (IDEI) Specialist and IDAMS Program Officer

Maya Kaqchikel, Bachelor in Legal and Social Sciences, Yeshing has undertaken numerous technical and political activities related to women, Indigenous Peoples, and their collective rights. She is a member of the Indigenous Women’s Platform of Guatemala, of the global and regional Indigenous Women’s Network on Biodiversity, has been Co-Chair of the  Indigenous Peoples, Customary & Environmental Laws & Human Rights Specialist Group of the CEESP-IUCN, member of the Nagoya Protocol Compliance Committee, also Co-Chair of the 10th Meeting of the Working Group on Article 8(j) of the CBD. Meeting of the 8th (j) of the CBD, focal point of Indigenous Peoples of Latin America in the GEF-CSO, and Focal Point of the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group of the GEF, among others, contributing to be present in the dialogues, analysis, construction of proposals and determination of strategies among Indigenous Peoples, facing the challenges for the recognition of their collective rights as peoples and the strengthening of the actions and practices of Indigenous Peoples at local, national, regional and international levels.