Join us at Climate Week New York to connect with the value of Indigenous knowledge and territories
The FSC Indigenous Foundation is happy to announce its participation in Climate Week New York. As a leading global advocate for Indigenous-led climate solutions, the Foundation will join key organizations and global leaders in addressing critical environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices.
Indigenous Peoples’ traditional knowledge offers vital solutions to the climate crisis. They manage over 25% of the global landmass, making the future of Indigenous territories key to global sustainability. The FSC-IF seeks to integrate Indigenous knowledge into climate strategies and supports Indigenous leaders, for the future of our planet and for us all. Catch us at our side events listed below, or reach out to organize a meeting.
It’s time to lead with Indigenous solutions and make a meaningful impact. Join us in driving positive change.
Supporting Indigenous Self-Determination, Self-Reliance, and Self-Governance in Nature-based Solutions
Date and time: Monday, September 23rd, 2024, 10:30 – 11:30
Location: Nature Positive Hub, Convene, 101 Park Ave, New York.Room: Chrysler Forum
Description: Indigenous Peoples are at the forefront of land protection. Although they comprise less than 6% of the world’s population, their collective territories are close to 25% of the land base and contain 80% of the world’s remaining terrestrial biodiversity. However, Indigenous Peoples face countless challenges that limit their capacity to strengthen their livelihood practices and secure rights and self-determination within their territories. The moderated panel will highlight the necessity of Indigenous-led climate solutions and barriers to achieving a healthier planet.
This event will illustrate the reciprocal relationship Indigenous Peoples have with Mother Earth, demonstrating the role of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in rights-based approaches, and discussing partnerships between businesses and Indigenous organizations to support self-determination. It is hosted by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), the world’s most respected and widespread forest certification system, and the FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF), a global Indigenous-led organization working to elevate Indigenous Peoples in their contribution to the protection of Mother Earth and recognize them as providers of solutions and partners to fight against global challenges.
Hindou Omarou IbrahimChair of FSC Indigenous Foundation Counciland Chair of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Moderator: Satnam Manhas, R.P.F., Senior Manager, Indigenous Capacity Support Canada, FSC Indigenous Foundation
Our People, Our Future: From Commitment to Actions
Date and time: September 26, 2024, 9:30 – 11:30 am
Location: Studio 3, 873 Broadway, #401, New York, N.Y 10010
Description: This event, hosted by the FSC Indigenous Foundation and Health in Harmony will connect Indigenous Peoples with business and philanthropy, offering an opportunity to engage and scale social, environmental, and economic impact when working together. It will provide the opportunity to:
Discover solutions: Learn about Indigenous approaches to climate change, land degradation, deforestation, and biodiversity loss.
Contribute resources: Find actionable ways to contribute your resources and expertise towards impactful projects, gender equality, and youth empowerment. Indigenous Peoples are key to addressing pressing global challenges, such as climate change and biodiversity loss. Through collaboration, we can make a significant impact in these areas.
Build partnerships: Network to form strategic alliances for sustainability.
Boost business value: Discover how integrating ecosystem services can enhance sustainability, including biodiversity, carbon markets, and beyond.
Verify impact: Learn methods for impact verification to ensure your contributions are making a measurable difference.
Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim,Chair of FSC Indigenous Foundation Counciland President of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Jerome Foster II, Climate Activist
Solange Bandiaky-Badji, President and Coordinator, Rights and Resources Initiative
Rachel Markham, Principal, Patchwork Collective
Ashley Emerson, Co-CEO Business and Scale, Health in Harmony
Moderator: Satnam Manhas, Senior Manager, Indigenous Capacity Support Canada, FSC Indigenous Foundation
Join us in this transformative journey to drive positive change and sustainability.
The FSC-IF is leading global efforts toward resilient Indigenous-led solutions, but we cannot do it alone. We call on partners to help us achieve visionary goals by leveraging the power of your resources, expertise, and innovation. If you would like to meet us during Climate Week to discuss how we can build sustainable solutions together, write to us at
Weaving Life
Indigenous women’s organizations of Quetzaltenango and Totonicapán, Guatemala gathered to share knowledge, experiences, and strategies, and dialogue with stakeholders.
Quetzaltenango, Guatemala – The FSC Indigenous Foundation, in collaboration with Hivos and the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB), through the Coordinating Committee of Women Territorial Leaders of Mesoamerica (CMLT), organized a National Meeting of Indigenous Women’s Organizations of Quetzaltenango and Totonicapán, Guatemala. This significant event, part of the Indigenous Women’s Economic Empowerment (I-WEE) Initiative, took place on August 8 and 9, to strengthen the empowerment and advocacy of Indigenous women.
The event brought together more than 100 delegates from over 30 Indigenous women’s organizations participating in the I-WEE initiative and key stakeholders from international cooperation and private and public sectors. It served as a platform to explore new solutions and strategies for Indigenous women to be at the center of economic and political actions.
Participants shared knowledge, experiences, and strategies on three crucial topics:
Indigenous women’s political participation and advocacy
Addressing violence against Indigenous women
Economic empowerment of Indigenous women
The Mayan cosmovision was the foundation of the event, opening each day with an offering of gratitude and closing with a spiritual moment. Participants sat in a circle around an altar in the center with offerings of candles symbolizing the four cardinal points, as well as the Heart of Heaven, the Heart of the Earth, and flowers. The slogan for the event was “Weaving Life.”
Day 1: Empowerment and recognition among Indigenous women
During the first day, delegates of Indigenous women’s organizations connected, shared wisdom, and discussed their experiences on the three key topics.
In the first word circle, “Indigenous women and their participation in politics, in decision-making spaces and the challenges and opportunities encountered,” Indigenous women emphasized the importance of being recognized as active subjects in politics and decision-making. They shared challenges such as violence, machismo, competition between women, and discrimination, for example for wearing their traditional clothing. They proposed solutions for increasing the visibility of Indigenous women, starting in the family, all the way to participation in politics. Media and communications can be a tool for change. Another solution proposed was the need for workshops for men to understand how to treat and work with women. One conclusion was clear – the need for regulations promoting parity and alternation, not just in the political sphere.
Those who did not have the opportunity to speak added their ideas with post-it notes to the wall, and this information was collected and incorporated into the dialogues the following day with stakeholders.
The next word circle, “Advocacy actions that can be implemented by communities to reduce violence against Indigenous women,” featured two life stories of Indigenous women survivors of violence who have managed to leave abusive relationships. They have taken on leadership roles in their communities, helping others to overcome violence.
Solutions were proposed at all levels, including the need for justice; training for women on rights and for the staff of institutions that guarantee women’s rights on how to provide dignified, respectful, accessible, and culturally relevant care; and the importance of self-love.
“I feel fortunate to be a Mayan woman,” said one participant.
Participants also discussed the importance of healing processes and ceremonies, and Nan Graciela Velasquez Chuc led a healing process with plants.
The final word circle of the day, “What is being done for the economic development and entrepreneurship of Indigenous women” included interventions from women involved in various economic projects, from textiles to chocolate and tomatoes. In the absence of political participation due to racism, economic development was noted as a key channel for Indigenous women’s empowerment.
Women shared their stories to create businesses, highlighting key challenges such as water scarcity, harvest loss, sanitary licenses, organizational strengthening, production equipment, and the need for increased technical knowledge. Indigenous women’s organizations have been overcoming these challenges through knowledge exchanges, healing from the Mayan cosmovision, and articulating exactly what they wanted to achieve. One participant noted that this is the definition of empowerment – knowing what you want and seeing the path to achieve it.
As a closing of this word circle, Patricia Chuc led a self-care and wellness activity that incorporated breathing, motion, and water.
The day concluded with a cultural evening with a performance by the Maya Kaqchikel group Sotz’il Jay and a reading by Mayan poet Negma Coy. It invited a reflection on how art can be healing and a uniting force.
Day 2: Collaborative dialogues with key actors
On the second day, key actors from communities, Indigenous Peoples’ authorities, local and national governments, UN agencies, implementing partners, multilateral organizations, businesses, and civil society joined the event for inclusive dialogues. The contributions and insights from Indigenous women gathered the previous day were organized into prioritized topics. These were then shared during the dialogues to ensure the creation of impactful actions and strategies that consider the identity and culture of Indigenous women.
The first dialogue “Actions to promote the political participation of Indigenous women” highlighted the importance of Indigenous women’s own mobilization and advocacy. Participants also noted the need for transparent information on resources directed to them, and for projects and programs that respond to Indigenous women’s realities, priorities, and leadership.
Indigenous women’s power and valuable contributions were highlighted, especially in the promotion of peace. Women have different ways of seeing and making decisions, and this complementarity is needed at all levels. One Indigenous woman participant noted the “wealth of the struggles we have in common.”
At the end of this dialogue, the Indigenous women participants read the demands they had formulated the day before, which included: reform of the Electoral and Political Parties Law, promoting that each political party has at least 50% participation of Indigenous women; creation and promotion of opportunities for women by the State to participate in socio-political environments under equal conditions; strengthening and financing of institutions created to protect and promote the rights of Indigenous women.
The second dialogue “Actions to prevent and reduce violence against Indigenous women” highlighted the importance of education of women and youth on their rights.
The women’s demands included: a judicial system that responds effectively to complaints of violence with cultural relevance; better medical and psychological health care for survivors of violence, as well as training for health personnel; mass visual and radio awareness campaigns aimed at the entire population to promote a culture of peace and prevention of violence; culturally relevant care for women in Mother languages with respect for their culture, beliefs, and way of life; laws, policies, plans and programs in favor of women respond to their needs and emerge from the grassroots level.
The final dialogue of the day “I support economic development and Indigenous women’s entrepreneurship” highlighted the need for concrete and transparent funding, beyond words of commitment.
The women read their demands in this area, mentioning: facilitating market access for Indigenous women’s products; providing women with seed capital to strengthen their enterprises; providing Indigenous women with new technologies and capacity building for their use, together with their Indigenous knowledge; promoting spaces for the exchange of experiences at the local, national, regional and international levels with Indigenous women entrepreneurs; and that implementing partners do not duplicate efforts, but rather develop integral processes according to their specialties to support enterprises.
To close the two-day event, participants received recognition awards created in wood with the name of the event in ancient Mayan epigraphic writing, before an energetic closing before the alter to end the two-day meeting.
Pioneering elements of this initiative
The FSC Indigenous Foundation introduced several pioneering elements at the event, emphasizing an Indigenous women’s cosmovision perspective.
One of the key innovations was providing simultaneous interpretation in the Mayan languages K’iche’ and Mam, in addition to Spanish and English, to facilitate participation in the women’s mother languages. The FSC-IF, in collaboration with Angloservicios, provided training for the K’iche’ and Mam interpreters on using Zoom’s virtual interpretation booths. This likely marks the first time simultaneous interpretation of Indigenous languages has been included in a national event in Guatemala.
Another crucial element was childcare provision, recognizing that many women cannot attend activities and workshops due to childcare responsibilities. The FSC-IF has incorporated childcare in all I-WEE workshops so mothers participate fully while their children engage and learn together. Facilitators used a ludo-pedagogical methodology, incorporating elements of the Mayan cosmovision for the children.
The way forward
This event underscores the commitment of the FSC Indigenous Foundation and its partners to support Indigenous women’s organizations in Guatemala to lead their development. The Meeting initiated concrete actions to promote Indigenous women’s economic, political, and social empowerment.
FSC-IF will consolidate the results of the dialogues of the meeting together with the demands articulated by Indigenous women. We will return this information to the Indigenous women’s organizations to accompany them, together with partners and allies, in positioning in different spaces and mechanisms of decision-making, resource mobilization, and design and implementation of programs and projects.
We are continuously seeking technical and financial partners to expand our work with I-WEE and other crucial initiatives. If your organization or business is interested in collaborating with us and with Indigenous women for sustainable change, we invite you to connect at
About I-WEE
The I-WEE initiative works with Indigenous women and girls in Guatemala and Honduras to promote their economic empowerment by strengthening capacities, generating enabling environments for their active participation and advocacy, and strengthening productive initiatives led by Indigenous women. It is implemented by FSC-IF in collaboration with partners AMBP, Hivos, UNDP, FAO, and UN Women / Indigenous Women’s Platform and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) with private sector partners.
About FSC Indigenous Foundation
The FSC Indigenous Foundation is a global Indigenous organization promoting Indigenous-led actions for their development and self-reliance. We work to elevate Indigenous Peoples in their contribution to the protection of Mother Earth and recognize them as providers of solutions and partners to fight against global challenges.
The Humanist Institute for the Cooperation with Developing Countries (Hivos) is an international organization working for a world in which people can realize their full potential and unleash their ingenuity and creativity to build just and sustainable societies for themselves and future generations. Hivos’ mission is to amplify and connect voices that promote social and environmental justice and challenge power imbalances.
Leadership and economic empowerment among Ogiek Women in Mau, Kenya
32 women participated in a workshop on leadership, negotiation and group dynamics for their management of Indigenous businesses
In the heart of the Mau Forest, Kenya, a transformative initiative is underway for Ogiek Indigenous women leading socio-economic empowerment of their businesses and communities.
Through a collaborative effort between the Ogiek Peoples’ Development Program (OPDP) and the FSC Indigenous Foundation (FSC-IF), the “Promoting Socio-Economic Empowerment among Ogiek Women of Mau” project is designed to equip women leaders with essential skills in leadership and business management, fostering their ability to create sustainable economic opportunities.
Ogiek women, who have long faced significant challenges due to historical injustices and marginalization, are developing the skills and tools they need to thrive so they can advocate for their community’s rights and future. In the project, 16 women’s groups have been selected to receive seed funding and relevant training, using a train-the-trainers methodology.
Day 1: Leadership and Group Management
The workshop, held in Nakuru, Kenya in July 2024, began with a prayer and participant introductions, where attendees shared their names and affiliations. Ms. Eunice Chepkemoi from OPDP outlined the workshop’s goals, emphasizing the importance of empowering Ogiek women. Christopher Kipkones, Chairperson of OPDP Board, officially opened the workshop and highlighted the significance of the workshop for enhancing socio-economic projects in the community. He reiterated OPDP’s mission to address historical injustices and improve the socio-economic status of Ogiek women.
The first training session, led by Mary Omukhango from Uwezo Fund, a Kenya government empowerment fund, focused on effective group formation and management. Participants learned about different types of groups, the benefits of collaboration, and the five stages of group development. In the second session, participants were guided through drafting group constitutions, emphasizing the importance of governance and collaboration. The day concluded with discussions on potential funding sources and the value of networking for sustainability.
“It is not wrong to be born poor, but it is wrong to die poor,” said Eunice Chepkemoi, underscoring the session’s theme of empowerment and self-sufficiency.
Day 2: Leadership and Business Skills The second day centered on leadership qualities and the development of viable business ideas. Participants discussed the attributes of effective leaders and the challenges they may face, including disagreements and need for vision. Key roles within groups were defined, with shared experiences underscoring the necessity for transparency in managing group resources. Participants were encouraged to explore market opportunities and adapt to changing environments.
“Know who you are; you are more than what you think you are,” said the facilitator, emphasizing a message of empowerment.
The session also included brainstorming business ideas, with groups presenting innovative concepts that addressed community needs. Mary Omukhango the facilitator, emphasized the importance of collective agreement on business initiatives to ensure commitment.
Day 3: Business and Management Skills
The final day began with a recap of previous sessions, reinforcing the idea that business is essential for poverty eradication. The first session covered branding and advertising, highlighting the importance of creating a unique brand identity and effective marketing strategies. Participants learned about the significance of clear communication and customer understanding.
Subsequent discussions focused on the necessity of accurate record keeping for transparency and the vital role of monitoring and evaluation in project management. Participants were encouraged to adopt recommendations for sustainability, including capacity building and diversifying income sources.
In closing, Daniel Kobei, Executive Director of OPDP urged participants to share their knowledge within the Ogiek community and to innovate for financial independence. He framed the training as the beginning of their empowerment journey, emphasizing the importance of applying what they learned for their collective success.
“We will follow up on your projects to ensure they are on the right track, do work for the community and apply what you have learned. This is just the beginning of your journey towards empowerment and success,” he said.
Follow our website and social media for the latest updates on how these sixteen Ogiek women’s groups are leading transformative change.
We invite organizations and entities to become our financial and technical partners to continue and multiply the important impact of this project and other crucial initiatives. If your organization or business is interested in collaborating with us and with Indigenous women for sustainable change, we invite you to connect at
Indigenous leadership for lands, forests, and territories
Central African Indigenous leaders gather for training on advocacy, leadership, communication, and project management in Douala, Cameroon.
Central Africa’s forest ecosystems are home to exceptional biodiversity, offering vast potential for the socio-economic development of the region. Recognizing the ecological and economic importance of these forests—and the growing threats they face—the Heads of State of Central Africa pledged in March 1999 through the “Yaoundé Declaration” to work collaboratively towards the conservation and sustainable management of their countries’ forest ecosystems. This commitment supports the economic and social development efforts of their populations.
In line with this vision, the Network of Indigenous and Local Populations for the Sustainable Management of Forest Ecosystems in Central Africa (REPALEAC) was established in 2003. As a key partner under the FSC Indigenous Foundation’s Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Rights and Development (IPARD) Program, REPALEAC serves as a sub-regional platform for promoting and protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) across Central Africa. The network unites over 200 grassroots Indigenous community organizations, spread across eight national networks in Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Chad.
From 26-30 August 2024, REPALEAC, in collaboration with the FSC Indigenous Foundation, hosted an intensive training workshop in Douala, Cameroon, with 50 representatives from its member organizations to strengthen the organizational and operational capacities of the network.
Throughout the week, participants engaged in sessions designed to:
Enhance their knowledge of leadership, advocacy techniques, organizational communication, and project management principles.
Equip them with the technical skills necessary for collecting data on land tenure within Indigenous territories. This includes training on cartography, participatory mapping—particularly three-dimensional mapping—and the creation of databases to document the areas occupied by Indigenous Peoples in Central Africa.
Provide a deeper understanding of FSC standards related to Indigenous Peoples and the relationship between FSC and the FSC-IF, as well as USAID guidelines and policies concerning Indigenous Peoples. The workshop also explored the integration of Indigenous rights and priorities in USAID’s bilateral cooperation programs with states.
The workshop’s opening ceremony was graced by the Vice President of REPALEAC, highlighting the significance of the event for the region’s Indigenous communities.
“The forests of Central Africa are not just natural resources; they are the lifeblood of our communities, sustaining our way of life and our cultural heritage,” stated a representative from REPALEAC during the opening remarks.
“This workshop is a crucial step towards ensuring that Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities are at the forefront of decisions affecting their lands and resources,” said another REPALEAC representative.
REPALEAC members were curious to understand how USAID works with organizations such as the FSC-IF.
“For Indigenous Peoples, Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) is important because it is the right to self-determination; opportunities for socioeconomic development and benefit-sharing; safeguarding against adverse impacts on lands, territories, natural resources, cultural heritage and/or sacred sites; supporting and aligning with Indigenous development plans and fulfilling obligations under international, regional and national regulatory frameworks,” said Vy Lam, USAID Indigenous Peoples Advisor.
The workshop focused on implementing REPALEAC’s strategic plan, which has four key objectives:
Securing Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ lands, vision territories, and natural resources.
Ensuring IPLC participation in decisions concerning access to and sustainable management of land, forests, and natural resources at local, national, and international levels.
Increasing and consolidating sustainable economic benefits for IPLCs from the management of natural resources and forests.
Improving the living conditions of IPLCs sustainably.
“We arevery grateful to the FSC-IF for the ongoing training in Douala. The module on ‘Leadership’ will surely bear fruit where the leadership of the network at the national level will demonstrate quality organizations.” said Basiru Isa, the REPALEAC’s Secretary General.
“Empowering our communities with knowledge and skills is essential for us to effectively protect our lands and assert our rights,” remarked one of the participants.
“This workshop is not just about learning; it’s about preparing to take action in our respective countries,” said another REPALEAC representative.
At the conclusion of the workshop, participants drafted action plans to implement the knowledge they acquired to make a tangible impact in their home countries.
In her closing remarks, Salina Sanou, FSC-IF Regional Director for Africa and Asia stated, “FSC-IF is pleased to be your partner of choice. We’re here to support you every step of the way. We’re also ready to learn from you because that’s what partnership is all about. Call on us any time. Our commitment to Indigenous Peoples knows no bounds.”
As we left this gathering, FSC-IF called for a working committee to co-create new initiatives with us for funding to scale up work with Indigenous Peoples in the African region.