Group of Black women joining their hands together, Grupo de mujeres afrodescendientes uniendo las manos, low-angle shot with the sky in the background.


Get Involved

The FSC Indigenous Foundation is creating impactful and lasting change with and for Indigenous Peoples around the world. This requires collaboration and strategic partnerships with different actors to support our goal.

We invite you to join us as strategic partners of the FSC-IF.

Please contact us below, or email


The FSC-IF is seeking new strategic partnerships to our vision into reality. Through in-kind or monetary support, our strategic partners help us to leverage key contributions from other private sector and philanthropic entities to scale up the work planned this year and beyond.
You can contribute to this global initiative by joining as a strategic partner.

To explore high-level partnership opportunities, please email: Ursula Araya,

Your partnership and investment during this phase supports the long-term empowerment of Indigenous Peoples to shape their own development, territories, and livelihoods across the globe.


    For communications and media inquiries please contact:

    Mary Donovan, IPARD Program and Communication Officer,