
Indigenous women’s ancestral knowledge and technology 

On International Women's Day, we share the words of Indigenous Women about the importance of this knowledge for the rights and self-determination of Indigenous Peoples.

Indigenous Women are guardians of ancestral knowledge, protecting forests, water resources, and biodiversity, and are responsible for transmitting this knowledge from generation to generation.  

International Women’s Day is commemorated each year on March 8th to recognize the struggle and achievements of women for social, economic, cultural, and political rights all around the world. This year’s theme is Innovation and technology for gender equality.  

Technology is the application of knowledge. That is why, this year on International Women’s Day, we are sharing the words of Indigenous Women around the world on their ancestral knowledge and technology, and how this contributes to the promotion of Indigenous Peoples’ rights and self-determination. 

The FSC Indigenous Foundation is committed to the empowerment of Indigenous Women as leaders, providers of solutions, and an integral part of holistic self-development. A future without Indigenous Women will be a future where Mother Earth is at risk.  

We invite you to share your video selfies with us, tagging us @fscindigenousfoundation on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn and @fsc_if on Twitter and the hashtags #IWD2023 #DigitALL, answering the following questions:  

What is Indigenous technology? 

How can technology improve the lives of Indigenous Women and contribute to their communities? 

How do you see the importance of technology for Indigenous Peoples’ rights and Indigenous self-determination? 


Information on the documents to be submitted to apply to the IFP

Find detailed information on how to apply to the Indigenous Fellowship Program


The document(s) can be in video, audio, image, word, power point or pdf format. 

These are some of the questions that candidates should answer in their motivational letter: 

Sub-programs 1, 2 and 3: 

  • Who am I? 
  • What is my community? 
  • What have I done/my experience leading or supporting Indigenous Peoples organizations and implementing projects or initiatives with Indigenous Peoples’ communities? 
  • What am I doing now?  
  • Why do I want to apply for this fellowship program? And for this subprogram in particular? 
  • How will it help me to achieve what I want to do? 
  • Which project am I implementing right now and will be implementing after the fellowship? 
  • How will I engage with IPARD’s 3 objectives? (Capacity Development, Political Incidence and Economic Development), Which of the three objectives interests you the most? (for sub-program 1) 
  • Why should I be selected for this program? How will this fellowship program improve my capacities and why do you need it? 

Sub-program 4: 

  • Who am I?  
  • What is my community? 
  • What have I done/my experience leading or supporting my community or an organization of Indigenous Peoples and implementing projects or initiatives with Indigenous Peoples’ communities? 
  • What am I doing now?  
  • Why do I want to apply for this fellowship program? And for this subprogram in particular? 
  • What would I do with the new knowledge and skills that I would acquire thanks to my participation in the fellowship program? 

Information on the entrepreneurship: 


  • Title of entrepreneurship 
  • Country/province/community of implementation 
  • Economic sector and crosscutting topics to which it applies 
  • Including a letter from an Indigenous Peoples’ organization supporting the initiative (with name, address, phone number and a specific contact with name, surname, email and signature) 


  • Description of the entrepreneurship and its impact in the community 
  • Number of possible families to be benefited from the proposal 


  • Description of the internal organization of the entrepreneurship, year of creation, contact information, assets.  
  • What are the identified needs for organizational development and other technical needs to strengthen the entrepreneurship? 


  • Why should this entrepreneurship be selected? 
  • What is the expected result? 


  • How is the accelerating investment going to be used and how will it contribute to Indigenous self-development and Indigenous self-reliance?  
  • When is it going to be executed?  
  • A budget and execution schedule should be included. 


The documents can be in word, in power point, pdf format or a picture. 

References cannot be provided by members of the candidates’ immediate family i.e. parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, or grandparents). 

This is the minimum information that should be included in the reference letter:  

For all sub-programs: 

Information on the candidate: 

  • Name and surname 
  • How is/was she/he involved in the Organization or in community affairs? (participating member, management team member) 
  • What does she/he do in the Organization/community/enterprise?  
  • What are her/his skills that make her/him a good fit for the program that she/he wants to apply? 
  • What are her/his characteristics. i.e: persistent, committed, honest, avid learner, respectful, hard worker, empathetic. 

Information on the organization (or Indigenous Authority) that is writing the reference: 

  • Name 
  • Address, including community, municipality and country. 
  • Phone number 
  • Specific contact with name, surname, email and signature  
  • Position of the person who writes the note 

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Indigenous Fellowship Program Form

Information required to apply to the Fellowship Program.

Candidate information

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Country of residence
  • Nationality (may be more than one)
  • Which Indigenous group do you belong to?
  • Gender (Female/Male/Prefer not to say)
  • Year of Birth

Application information

Opportunity you apply for (select only one):

  1. Young Indigenous Practitioners
  2. Indigenous Leadership and Networking
  3. Indigenous Capacity
  4. Business Development Fellowship

Date you are available to start :

Evaluate your level in the languages below: (Native/Fluent/Good/Beginner/None)

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Portuguese

Attach the presentation and motivation file(s) :

Attach 2 reference letters by Indigenous Peoples’ organizations:

How did you hear about this fellowship?


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